

The world is a large series of causes and effects. But by understanding these causes and effects we can enable ourselves to create a world in which the suffering that is innate in (human) life is reduced to a bare minimum. By using data and knowledge instead of gut-feelings and hunches, science can enable us to solve every problem that life throws at us. Weather this is providing food for all people, reducing the negative effects that humans can have on their own environment or just creating a biodiverse environment that is beautiful to look at.

We realise that we cannot solve all problems alone and that nobody can. Therefore, we always try to find smart and capable people to work with. This does not only increase the quality of our work, but it also increases the enjoyment that we get from our work. The term “work” is something that we do not use often since what we do, we do not consider to be our “work”. It is our passion and our goal in life and not merely a tool to make money. 


Maurice Evers, CEO

Specialty: Soil Fertility, Soil-Plant Interactions

I received my MSc degree in Agronomy in 1995 from Wageningen University and Research. After my study I went on to work for the Nutrient Management Institute (NMI) where I wrote the book “Handboek Meststoffen” (Fertilization Manual). 

I then went on to work in the reasearch and developement branch of Melspring (now Olmix) where I created the product Marthon that is now used all throughout the world to help plants and businesses grow. I also did a lot of work in the (re)cycling industry where the goal was to create viable nutritional products for plants from multiple waste streams where on the one hand my expertise in chemistry came in handy, but also my knowledge on policy and the laws regarding different products has helped multiple customers create better products.

In 2008 I started Lumbricus because I received so many questions from people that needed answers with regard to turf management, agricultural innovations and public spaces like dikes. Since then we have grown a lot to where we now help people not only in the Netherlands, but also in large scale international projects.

I believe that the combination of fundamental knowledge and modern tools are capable of solving the big problems that we are constantly facing in the world. Lumbricus provides not only this knowledge, but also these tools to create a better world for everyone.

Thomas Evers, Research and Develpement

Specialty: Statistics, Data Visualisation, Environmental Modelling

I am currently in my final year of my MSc program Earth and Environment with specialisation in chemical and biological processes in soil and water at Wageningen University and Research. Within Lumbricus my main focus is on research and development and my skills are mainly in modelling, GIS cartography, statistics and data visualisation. 

I believe that with technology and data all problems can be solved. The first step is to analyse the problem and set aside our ideologies, and there is no greater tool to do this than with the use of statistics. The next step – and this is where most science today stops – is to solve the problems at hand using our modern technologies. 

Daniel Evers, Process Management

Specialty: Engineering, Process Management

Within Lumbricus, I am responsible for the department of Engineering and Process Management. My background is mainly in mechanical engineering, design and building large machinery, such as drill rigs, CPT rigs, etc.

After some years of technical experience I was promoted to lead Engineer, which is my current occupation. Besides my passion for technology, my interest is also placed with the manufacturing process, and processes in general, regarding technical innovation in all different sorts of practice. I am a certified Lean Green Belt and through self study my knowledge level has progressed towards that of a Six Sigma Black Belt

I believe that the best ways for us humans to manifest ourselves in this world, is to create value. By combining our knowledge, skills and will, we can change the world for the better.

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